
What's Your Least Favorite Yoga Pose?

We've been building on the basics in my beginner's yoga class, and recently it took a turn for the strenuous. We spent the entire class working on what my teacher said weren't her favorite poses, and soon I could see why: we held and reheld the plank and chaturanga dandasana (or four-limbed staff) poses over and over in order to learn how to correctly hold the poses and find our form.

By the end of the class, I never wanted to do a plank — let alone a chaturanga dandasana pose — again. The next day, however, I actually liked the fact that my upper arm and ab muscles were as sore as if I had gone to the gym (who says yoga isn't an intense workout?).
Even though sometimes I want nothing more than to release to child's pose, it does make me feel good when I learn to hold a hard pose, especially since I know I'm getting a good workout as well. I already know what your favorite poses are, but do you have any poses you love to hate — or just hate? Which poses are your least favorite?

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